Connecticut Young Writers Trust
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
2014 CT Young Writers Trust Competition Entry Guidelines
All entries must be received electronically by midnight on April 1st, 2014. Please note that all of the following rules MUST be followed and the information below MUST be included as specified in order to insure eligibility.
See more at:
A teacher in a public or private school MUST nominate entries for the competition. Home school or other alternate educational system nominations are also accepted. Only one entry per student is permitted. There are no length requirements.
Connecticut Young Writers between the ages of 13 and 18 (13, 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18 during school year 2013- 14) are eligible. Prose entries may include essays, short stories, reviews, plays, research papers or news articles. Poetry entries can include one long or short poem.
Entries (except for poetry) should be typed and double-spaced. Please number each page of your submission. The title must appear on the submission.
Do not place your name or any identifying marks on your work of prose or poetry. All entries will be confidential when distributed to judges. Errors could result in disqualification.
Upload a PDF version of your submission into either the Prose or Poetry category below.
After uploading your entry, please provide student and teacher information as SPECIFIED IN THE COVER LETTER! Instructions will be provided in each category.
- Connecticut Young Writers Trust maintains all rights for the written works. Reprint permission may be granted.
- Entrants to the competition agree if so awarded that they will participate in the awards ceremony held at the beginning of June.